Ballynamona Bog and Corkip Lough
Ballynamona Bog and Corkip Lough is situated approximately 9 km west of Athlone. The site consists of an unusual combination of habitats, a raised bog, bog woodland and a turlough, Corkip Lough.
The high bog consists of a single small dome of about 60 ha which supports a large area of bog woodland in the centre. It is surrounded on three sides by esker ridges and limestone bedrock. These ridges are host to areas of species-rich grassland. Cutover bog occurs all around the margins of the high bog, some sections of which flood at times, and there is an area of commercial forestry at the eastern margin. Agricultural grassland is the main habitat in the surrounding area.
Corkip Lough, has areas of calcareous fen and swamp and the turlough grasslands are important for nesting and wintering birds.
Ballynamona Bog and Corkip Lough is an important site internationally for a number of habitats including raised bog, turlough and bog woodland. There are a number of scarce plants and protected birds on this site. It is protected as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC).