Cloncrow Bog
Cloncrow Bog is a raised bog developed in a basin with approximately 132 ha of high bog remaining surrounded by extensive cutover. It is situated approximately 1 km west of Tyrellspass in Co. Westmeath. The high bog currently has approximately 2ha of active bog and the potential for development of a further 17 ha. The south-western section of the high bog has been afforested with Lodgepole Pine. The cutover has a range of habitats including Downy Birch woodland, birch and Gorse scrub, humid grassland, improved grassland, forestry and abandoned cutover. There are also small patches of mineral soil with grassland and forestry.
Areas of cutover have been reclaimed for agricultural purposes around the site. The grassland is used for grazing. Approximately 28ha of the high bog and cutover is currently being restored and there are community proposals for the development of amenity and educational use of part of the site.
Cloncrow Bog is protected as a Cloncrow Bog (New Forest) Natural Heritage Area (NHA).