The project partners are listed below. Representatives from each of these groups form the FarmPEAT Operational Group.
Wetland Surveys Ireland Limited, an established environmental consultancy firm, are partners on the project and are providing resources, guidance and support to the project team as required. Dr. Patrick Crushell is Director of the FarmPEAT Project and is also Director and CEO of Wetland Surveys Ireland.
Irish Rural Link and Community Wetlands Forum
Irish Rural Link (IRL) is a national network of organisations and individuals campaigning for sustainable rural development in Ireland and Europe. Central to Irish Rural Link’s current activities is the facilitation of communication and the solution of problems through networking and the sharing and adoption of best practice.
The Community Wetlands Forum (CWF) was established under the umbrella of IRL in September 2013 as a special interest network. The main aim of the CWF is to provide a representative platform for community-led wetland conservation groups based on the principles of community development.
Irish Rural Link provides public outreach and admin support for the project and the FarmPEAT Project office is based in the IRL offices in Moate.
Umeras Community Development
Umeras Community Development is a local community group in County Kildare near one of FarmPEAT Project Sites. They are working towards a vision of developing Umeras Peatlands Park on an industrial cutaway that is being rewetted in 2021. Umeras Community Development will provide local support to the project, particularly in terms of local outreach and awareness and liaising with local farmers.
O’Connor Pyne & Co. Limited, an established accountancy firm, is a partner on the project and will provide financial advisory services and administrative support to the project team.
Steering Group
The steering group is a group of stakeholder representatives and individuals with technical expertise that is of great value to the project. The Steering Group offers technical and scientific guidance and advice to the Project Team. Below are the members of the Steering Group.
Bernard Hyde -Environmental Protection Agency
Catherine Farrell - InCASE Project and Natural Capital Ireland
Catherine Keena - Teagasc
Chris Cullen - Bord na Móna
Donal Daly - Catchment Scientist and Hydrogeologist
Jack McGauley - Living Bog Project/NPWS
Jim Ryan - Irish Rural Link Board and Wetland Ecologist
Margaret Keegan - Local Authorities Waters Programme (LAWPRO)
Margaret Murray - Locally Led Section of DAFM
Michael Martyn - Agricultural Consultants Association
Patrick Crushell - Wetland Surveys Ireland
Philip Blackwell - Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)
Seamus Boland / James Claffey - Irish Rural Link
Sean Breen - National Parks and Wildlife Service/Peatlands DCO
Shane McGuinness - Community Wetlands Forum